Curious About Solar?

If you have been thinking or even been simply intrigued by the idea adding Solar Energy to your home or business, you need to check this event out!  

The Delaware County Office of Sustainability has partnered with the nonprofit Solarize Delco to create a free weeklong event, The Delco Solar Tour. This event is for you and all residents to see solar installations up close. Every day there are different tours of buildings powered by solar energy.  There is a school, a municipal building, and nine homes that will open their doors, tell their stories, and answer your questions.

Each stop will have a presentation about the onsite array and the process it took from beginning to end including the cost.  You get to pick which tour fits your schedule and location.  The tours are the result of a partnership with homeowners, schools, and municipalities to showcase how they are already utilizing solar technologies to:

1) drastically reduce monthly energy bills

2) reduce harmful carbon emissions

3) enjoy significant tax credits and cash incentives

4) improve their property values.

There are 12 tours throughout the County.  Attending multiple tour stops will allow community members to learn about solar panels on different architectural styles, experiences with different installers, and other helpful information.

Links to sign-up for the tour or tours and to learn the organizers can be found on the Events Calendar of LWV’s by clicking Events at the top of the page.  The calendar entry is dated October 8th

Curious About Solar?
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