Solid Waste

Solid waste refers to both household and industrial waste, including household trash and garbage that could be recycled or composted, sewage sludge, and construction and demolition waste, much of which can be recycled. Disposal of solid waste is a major concern. Can it be recycled? Should it be incinerated or dumped in landfills? What are the economic and health costs?
- The Story of Stuff — An entertaining series of short videos on the circular economy
- Wastes – EPA website on waste generation, management, and health effects
- Municipal Solid Waste Landfills – EPA summary
- Landfill Tour — Republic Waste
- Solid Waste Authority – meeting notices – agendas, minutes, streaming links
Current Status
- Composting – Media EAC has good video about how they started a composting program
- Pennsylvania LWV Position on Zero Waste Initiative
Paths Forward