
New Air Monitors Report & Discussion

Virtual Meeting

In the past few months, Clean Air Council staff have installed over 50 low-cost residential particulate matter monitors in South and Southwest Philadelphia as well as areas of southern Delaware County like Chester, Trainer, and Marcus Hook. On Monday, March 31st at 6 PM Clean Air Council will host a meeting over Zoom where our […]

You’re Invited to the Virtual Release of EHP’s White Paper!

Virtual Meeting

Pennsylvania residents impacted by the vast network of shale gas infrastructure—wells, compressor stations, processing plants, pipelines, truck traffic, etc.—had every reason to expect that Gov. Shapiro and his administration, once in office, would work hard to defend their health from sources of pollution. Two years later, residents are still waiting for meaningful action. Join us […]

Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: What the Shapiro Administration Can Do to Better Protect Public Health

Virtual Meeting

Pennsylvania residents impacted by the vast network of shale gas infrastructure—wells, compressor stations, processing plants, pipelines, truck traffic, etc.—had every reason to expect that Gov. Shapiro and his administration, once in office, would work hard to defend their health from sources of pollution. Two years later, residents are still waiting for meaningful action. Join us […]

Webinar: Reducing Emissions of Methane and Other Pollution from Oil and Natural Gas Operations (40 CFR Part 60, Subparts OOOOb and OOOOc)

Virtual Meeting

The EPA methane standards were finalized in December of 2023 and established stronger, protective standards against oil and gas pollution. States are now in the process of designing how they will implement the rule at the state level. This webinar is part of the Pennsylvania DEP’s meaningful engagement process and will provide attendees with the […]

Sierra Club: Webinar on tariffs and trade

Virtual Meeting

We need a smart approach to trade that supports a clean energy economy and healthy communities.  Historically, tariffs can be a trade policy tool for positive change – but only if they are targeted and paired with strong environmental protections and investments here at home. We are entering a moment where we can rewrite the […]

SunCenter Tour

SunCenter Studios 250 N Commerce Drive, Aston, PA, United States

You're invited join PennEnvironment and the SunCenter Studios for a tour of the studio's solar panels in Aston, PA. The tour will be on Wednesday, April 2 at 11 am. We hope you can join us! We expect the whole event to take about 45 minutes, so we should be done around 11:45 am. Here […]

Life After Death: The Importance of Dead or Dying Trees ($)

Stoneleigh: a natural garden 1829 County Line Road, Villanove, PA, United States

Most people are familiar with the innumerable benefits of living trees, but even after their death, trees provide vital habitat, shelter, and food for wildlife. Join our partner, Morris Arboretum, for a program to learn how dead and dying trees still teem with life, from tiny termites to fantastic flying squirrels and everything in between. […]


Virtual Meeting

The SC DelCo Green Team is committed to educating people about and increasing the use of clean energy, zero waste solutions, & sustainable policies in all DelCo municipalities and urging these municipalities to adopt their own climate change mitigation/sustainability plans and create an effective EAC if it doesn't have one. Please lend your creativity & input at any of […]

Learn Backyard Composting

Hunt Club at Rose Tree Park 1521 N. Providence Road, Media, United States

Are you unsure of what to do with your kitchen, garden, and yard scraps? Would you like natural, homemade compost for your lawn and garden? Expand your waste reduction efforts by signing up for a Backyard Composting class and turning your organic waste into a valuable resource for your garden. Attendees will learn the benefits […]

Native Plants and Meadows: Creating Habitat at Home

Radnor Municipal Building-Radshire Room 301 Iven Avenue, Wayne, PA, United States

Radnor Township EAC Lecture Series Open to all Presented by Mike Cranney, Willistown Conservation Trust Director of Stewardship More information and registration link will be available closer to the event  

Heat Pump 101

Virtual Meeting

Heat Pump 101 Information will be added as it becomes available

Backyard Composting Workshop

Virtual Meeting

Backyard Composting Workshop More information will be added as it becomes available

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