LWV DelCo Environmental Clearinghouse
Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse
Transition Town Greater Media is hosting a film screening and discussion of Choosing Earth; Choosing Life”, a film created by Choosing Earth. The film invites us to explore a paradox: the speed, depth and magnitude of our growing planetary crisis, and the opportunity we have to meet this crisis consciously, moving “from pain to purpose”. This is a chance to contemplate what infrastructure will best serve our 21st Century needs and
discuss it in a supportive space.
Choosing Earth features Duane Elgin, Victoria Santos, Jack Kornfield, Joanna Macy, Nate Hagens, Beena Sharma, Lynne Twist, Todd Lando, Rama Mani, Barbara Easterlin, Jan Edl Stein and other contributors who grapple with this paradox and offer guidance for navigating the
times ahead.
The film is 63 minutes long and discussion will follow. The event is free; light refreshments will be served. The evening will start with a short film about the Transition Town movement. For more details, visit: https://www.facebook.com/share/18T6qrHKUq/, or contact us
at [email protected].