LWV DelCo Environmental Clearinghouse
Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse
The 1Q public hearing via Zoom Webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, commencing at 1:30 p.m.
Items to be heard include 26 draft dockets for withdrawals, discharges and other projects that could have a substantial effect on the Basin’s water resources. The public is advised to check the Commission’s website periodically prior to the hearing date, as items scheduled for hearing may be postponed if additional time is needed to complete the Commission’s review, and items may be added up to ten days prior to the hearing date. In reviewing docket descriptions, the public is also asked to be aware that the details of projects may change during the Commission’s review, which is ongoing.
To Attend the Public Hearing +/- Provide Oral Testimony
Please click the event link to see the items to be considered as well as the methods and deadlines for comment, participation and submissions.